Minnetonka resident and personal trainer helps those with Parkinson’s. Heidi Weinberg is a Minnetonka resident and St. Louis Park personal trainer specializing in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Heidi Weinberg is using the power of physical activity to slow patients’ progression A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is undoubtedly a scary one; a progressive disorder relating […]
Recently, one of my clients said “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Has anyone heard that expression? What does it mean to you? I think it’s true in many ways. You may be an expert in accounting, whereas I’m an expert in older adult exercise programming. But, it begs the question – how do […]
https://heidiweinberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240421_120210.mp4 Here is an example of a class I lead for a Parkinson’s fundraiser. Cognitive-Motor Training is the “gold standard” for slowing down mental decline as we age. Just doing one or the other doesn’t have the same effect!