Minnetonka resident and personal trainer helps those with Parkinson’s. Heidi Weinberg is a Minnetonka resident and St. Louis Park personal trainer specializing in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Heidi Weinberg is using the power of physical activity to slow patients’ progression A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is undoubtedly a scary one; a progressive disorder relating […]
Recently, one of my clients said “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Has anyone heard that expression? What does it mean to you? I think it’s true in many ways. You may be an expert in accounting, whereas I’m an expert in older adult exercise programming. But, it begs the question – how do […]
https://heidiweinberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240421_120210.mp4 Here is an example of a class I lead for a Parkinson’s fundraiser. Cognitive-Motor Training is the “gold standard” for slowing down mental decline as we age. Just doing one or the other doesn’t have the same effect!
My client Sarah – 72 years old – was worried about her balance. During our consultation, I noticed her step length was smaller than it should be, and she wasn’t rolling through her foot when she walked. As we age, if we are not proactive, we will lose both bone and muscle strength, putting us […]
We’ve all seen it – Someone falls. They get scared and stay home more. Which means they get weaker. They need (or want) to go out somewhere. They fall. Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy? Can this cycle be stopped? Yes – it can! According to the webinar I attended this weekend, one exercise you should […]
WHAT SETS YOU APART: HOW TO NAVIGATE STRENGTH AS YOU AGE You want to be independent. You want to be self-sufficient. You want to feel strong. This is part of what sets you apart from others. You put in the time and energy to feel and look better. To have more energy, more vitality. Less […]
HOW DO I CHOOSE THE RIGHT PERSONAL TRAINER? Unfortunately, the personal training business is not widely regulated. People can get a PT certification in a relatively short period of time and with not a lot of financial commitment. So – how do you know if someone is actually qualified to train you? How do you […]
EXERCISE THROUGH PARKINSON’S STAGES Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. While there is no cure, various treatments and interventions can help manage its symptoms and improve quality of life. Exercise is your first line of defense – and the only proven intervention to delay symptoms. Exercise not only […]
Picture yourself at your high school reunion. Everybody there is the same age.Yet, some look way older, some look younger. Why? Some (ok – most) would like the easy way out. A magic pill to restore their youth! There is only ONE fountain of youth that’s PROVEN to work – EXERCISE! View it as a […]