STRENGTH IS ONLY ONE COMPONENT! There are 6 domains of function that need to be addressed when training an older adult. COGNITIVE/EMOTIONAL MOBITLITY NEUROMUSCULAR CARDIO RESPIRATORY ENDURANCE STRENGTH In other words, strength is not the only answer to good function as we age. In one study, some exercisers gained 40% more strength on the leg […]
Picture this: you are brand new to the field of personal training. You have never in your life met someone with Parkinson’s disease (PD) let alone trained anyone yet. An older woman purchases sessions for her husband who has Parkinson’s and has fallen a few times recently. She chooses you to be his trainer. This […]
Here’s the deal: “No action plan will allow a 65, 75 or 85 year old to act and feel like they are 25, 35, or 45 again. But there are many instances where something can be done. An older patient doesn’t have to sit back and accept their condition just because of their age. There […]
I’ve been working with “Sara” – a PD client – for a few years now. When she walked into her session yesterday, she informed me she couldn’t lift heavy due to a procedure she had. That’s ok! I love a good programming challenge! Knowing her limitations, strengths and areas that need improvement, I created a […]
Are you worried about maintaining cognitive function as you age? Here is the good news: NEUROPLASTICITY: THE BIGGEST FACTOR FOR HOW THE BRAIN AGES IS LIFESTYLE…NOT AGE. THE BRAIN CAN CONTINUE TO GROW AND IMPROVE AT ANY AGE GIVEN THE PROPER STIMULUS. Something you should know… As we age, we tend to slow down. This […]
Minnetonka resident and personal trainer helps those with Parkinson’s. Heidi Weinberg is a Minnetonka resident and St. Louis Park personal trainer specializing in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Heidi Weinberg is using the power of physical activity to slow patients’ progression A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is undoubtedly a scary one; a progressive disorder relating […]
Recently, one of my clients said “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Has anyone heard that expression? What does it mean to you? I think it’s true in many ways. You may be an expert in accounting, whereas I’m an expert in older adult exercise programming. But, it begs the question – how do […] Here is an example of a class I lead for a Parkinson’s fundraiser. Cognitive-Motor Training is the “gold standard” for slowing down mental decline as we age. Just doing one or the other doesn’t have the same effect!
My client Sarah – 72 years old – was worried about her balance. During our consultation, I noticed her step length was smaller than it should be, and she wasn’t rolling through her foot when she walked. As we age, if we are not proactive, we will lose both bone and muscle strength, putting us […]
We’ve all seen it – Someone falls. They get scared and stay home more. Which means they get weaker. They need (or want) to go out somewhere. They fall. Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy? Can this cycle be stopped? Yes – it can! According to the webinar I attended this weekend, one exercise you should […]